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Fitoderm™ - Get clear and Blemish free skin naturally!!

Discover Health Looking, Acne Free Skin from Deep Within!!

What is Acne and what causes Acne and Pimples?

Acne is a term for plugged pores (whiteheads and blackheads), pimples and even larger lumps (cysts or nodules).

Hormones and sebum are strongly believed to be the main cause of acne. The hormone surge stimulates the sebaceous glands for mass production of sebum that takes place largely around the face, back and upper chest, right where acne and pimples tend to hit. Stress causes the production of the hormone Cortisol, which can aggravate acne. Drugs like Barbiturates and tetracycline and Anabolic steroids can foster the development of Acne.

Benefits of using Fitoderm™ Natural Acne Treatment:
  • Herbal pills without side effects
  • Clears Skin & acne breakouts
  • Fast and effective
  • Removes causative bacteria
  • Helps to prevent wrinkles
  • Promotes a fresh and clear complexion

Why FitoDerm is considered a far better and a more effective acne treatment?

    Fitoderm natural acne treatment consists of a combination acne management system that uses the finest ingredients that work effectively on pre-existing acne and help prevent new breakouts.

    Acne treatment products normally deal your external acne problems; they do not take care of the rest of the skin. In order to have soft skin that is not inflamed and irritated, you need to consume natural supplements that will clean the system from inside out. These ingredients work from within the body thus attacking bacteria that causes acne.

    FitoDerm natural Acne treatment helps your complexion, fades scars, reduces whiteheads, lessens lesions, removes dirt and dead skin from the face, and improves skin texture by smoothing the skin.

    The greatest advantage is that FitoDerm has practically no side – effects. This pill is ideal for any skin type. It is anti inflammatory and anti bacterial

FitoDerm natural Acne Treatment is guaranteed to work and is one of the best known acne products offering real and quick solutions around.

Discover the way FitoDerm Works to a Healthy looking, Acne free skin?

There are several creams and pills available that treat pimples. The ointments you apply work on the pimples first, clean it from above and then enter the blood to purify it. But FitoDerm believes in dealing with the root cause first. This side effect free pill is specially developed to fight acne problems. The potent pills of FitoDerm purify the blood first, which gradually help in cleansing and clearing the skin. Working in such internal manner helps the body to first deal with the toxin and harmful material and then move towards skin affected area.

FitoDerm is a combination of herbal compounds and other natural ingredients that deal with skin care. It contains Emblica Officinalis that promotes glowing of skin, Rubia Cordifolia helps gaining shine, thus removing marks. Acacia Catechu enhances healing of wound and Berberis Aristata works in purifying blood.



Brand Name: Fitoderm™
Servings Per Container: 60 Capsules
Emblica officinalis
Rubia cordifolia
Acacia catechu
Berberis aristata


Take 2 tablets twice a day after meal with a full glass of water. Following a regular course of FitoDerm will enable you to have a clean and purified skin.

Side Effects

FitoDerm is made of pure and natural herbs; it assures complete safety and is absolutely free of side effects and recommended by the most experienced and renowned doctors.


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